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Savannah City Amateur Championship

October 25 - October 26

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Savannah City Amateur Championship

Entry Fee: The entry fee for Men & Ladies

  • $ 149.00 Men & Ladies
  • $40 Juniors

Tee Prizes, Carts, Greens Fees & Range Balls included both days.

Trophy Presentations will be held for Each Tournament

Prizes: Trophies will be awarded to Champions and Runner-up’s in all Divisions
Approximately 25% of each flight will receive prizes in Pro Shop credit.

We will use the Most Recent Handicap Revision.
PROG’s will be transformed into a course handicap for the tournament.
PROG’s & Handicaps will be verified.


Men’s Championship Division (Gross)
City Amateur Championship Division: Gold Tees in a NONHANDICAP 36 Hole stroke play format.

Men’s Flighted Division (Net)
Mens Flighted Division: Blue Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format

Senior Championship Division (Gross)
Men 50 and older: Blue Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format

Senior Championship Division (Net)
Men 50 and older: White Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format.

Legends Championship Division (Gross)
Men 65 and older: White Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format.

Legends Championship Division (Net)
Men 65 and older: Red Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format

Ladies Championship Division (Gross)
City Amateur Championship Division: White Tees in a NONHANDICAP 36 Hole stroke play format

Ladies Championship Division (Net)
Red Tees in a 36 Hole stroke play format

Junior (10-18) Championship Divisions (Gross)

Boys Open Gold Girls Open White
Boys 15-18 Blue Girls 15-18 Red
Boys 13-14 White Girls 10-14 Youth Yardage
Boys 10-12 Red Youth Yardage: Par 5 300 yds Par 4 250 yds Par 3 Red Tees


October 25
October 26